Exploring the Flutter ExpansionTile: A Comprehensive Guide
The ExpansionTile widget in Flutter is a great tool for displaying a list of items that can expand or collapse. This widget is useful for creating expandable/collapsible sections within your app, often used for things like FAQs, menus, or lists with hidden details. In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at the properties of the ExpansionTile , demonstrate how to use it, and provide a few practical examples. Table of Contents What is an ExpansionTile? Properties of ExpansionTile Title Leading Trailing Children Initially Expanded On Expansion Changed Tile Padding Background Color Shape IconColor Example Usage of ExpansionTile Simple ExpansionTile Example ExpansionTile with Customization Using ExpansionTile with Nested Children Common Use Cases Conclusion 1. What is an ExpansionTile? The ExpansionTile widget in Flutter is used to create a list item that can expand or collapse to show more content. This is useful in cases where you want to hide or show content dynamically. Th...