Exploring the Flutter Card Widget: A Comprehensive Guide
The Card widget in Flutter is one of the most widely used and flexible widgets for building material design UIs. Cards are commonly used to represent a piece of information, often with a rounded rectangular shape, that includes text, images, icons, or any combination of these elements. In Flutter, the Card widget provides a simple way to design beautiful and structured content blocks. What is the Flutter Card Widget? The Card widget in Flutter is a material design container that has a rectangular shape with rounded corners and a subtle shadow to create a sense of elevation. Cards are often used to display information or content that’s visually distinct, such as items in a list or grid. The Card widget typically wraps other widgets (like Text , Image , or Column ) to create visually appealing sections in your UI. You can also customize its appearance to match your app’s design and theme. Basic Structure of a Card Card( elevation: 4.0, shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRad...