
Showing posts from September, 2022

Flutter Project Migration

  Migration to null safety in flutter. Problem Statement:   The newer versions of Flutter supports null safety but the older versions of Flutter does not have this type of support, and to run older applications makes it difficult to build or run the application  in it. To overcome this problem we need to perform a migration of versions. Solution of this problem: Firstly we need to check the version of dart. It should be greater than or equal to 2.12. To check the version of dart use the following command dart --version After that we need to check dependency status, use the following command to perform the dependency status check dart pub outdated --mode=null-safety Here’s an example of the output for a simple package. The green checkmarked version for each package supports null safety: Before migrating the package’s code, update its dependencies to null-safe version: Run dart pub upgrade --null-safety to upgrade to the latest versions supporting null safety.  Note: ...