Flutter TextField Widget: A Comprehensive Guide
The TextField widget is a cornerstone of user input in Flutter applications. Whether you're building a login screen, a chat application, or a search bar, the TextField provides a flexible and feature-rich way to capture user data. What is a TextField in Flutter? In Flutter, TextField is a widget that allows users to input text. It is one of the most commonly used widgets for form fields, chat input, or search functionality. Example Use Case: A login form to capture the username and password. A search bar in an e-commerce app. A chat input field in a messaging app. Basic TextField Usage To use a TextField , simply include it in your widget tree. Here's a minimal example: TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Enter your name', hintText: 'John Doe', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), ), Explanation labelText : Adds a label above the input field. hintText : Displays placeholde